Joseph Weston
Research interests
My background is in theory and simulation of quantum transport in nanoelectronic circuits. During my Ph.D. I worked on algorithms for simulating time-resolved transport in open quantum systems, as well as implementing these algorithms in an extensible library in the Python language.
Now, as a scientific software developer, I am mainly working on the Kwant package for simulating quantum transport. I also provide software development mentoring and computational physics support for the Ph.D. students and postdocs in the group.
Contact and further information
- Website:
- Email:
- (GPG Key 0982d739d2c4e1b6)
- Address:
F336, Lorentzweg 1, 2628CJ, Delft, The Netherlands
- Github:
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- Google Scholar:
- 2016-present:
Scientific Software Developer, QuTech, Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands)
- 2013-2016:
Ph.D. Theoretical Physics, Université Grenoble Alpes (France)
- 2012-2013:
M.Sc. Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnology, Université Joseph Fourier (France)
- 2008-2012:
M.Sci. Physics with a Year in Europe, Imperial College London (United Kingdom)